A Leadership Failure at Every Level
The House Foreign Affairs Committee just released its long-awaited report on the catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan. Check out this brief excerpt from the report:

When President Biden decided to withdraw U.S. forces from Afghanistan, he set an arbitrary deadline of August 31, 2021, not based on any strategic or military necessity, but for the political optics of a withdrawal before the 9/11 anniversary. This self-imposed timeline led to a rushed evacuation process that directly resulted in billions of dollars of equipment falling into the hands of the enemy, the deaths of American servicemembers, and the abandonment of our Afghan allies to the mercy of the Taliban.
This decision wasn’t just poorly planned; it was dangerously negligent. By abandoning the conditions-based withdrawal strategy set by President Trump—one that safeguarded American troops and allies—Biden created a vacuum of chaos at Kabul airport. It was during this chaos that a terrorist attack at Abbey Gate claimed the lives of Utah’s own Sgt. Darin T. Hoover and 13 of his fellow servicemembers.

VP Harris was “the last one in the room” when this decision was made, and later told reporters she was “comfortable” with the administration’s course of action. Her words reflect a simple reality: Kamala Harris cannot be trusted with the duties and responsibilities of the Commander in Chief.