Owens Fights for Entrepreneurs, Slams Biden’s Anti-Business Regulations in Key Hearing

Feb 26, 2025
Education & Workforce Development

WASHINGTON — Education and Workforce Committee Vice Chair Burgess Owens (R-UT) participated in a hearing titled “Unleashing America’s Workforce and Strengthening Our Economy.” 

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During the hearing, Rep. Owens emphasized the vital role of independent contractors, entrepreneurs, and small businesses in driving America’s economy. He criticized burdensome federal regulations that stifle economic opportunity and make it harder for Americans to achieve the American Dream.

“There’s no more important topic for us. If we’re to grow our American middle class, we need to unleash the unlimited potential of the independent contractor. This middle class is what defines our remarkable American culture—a culture founded on the freedom of dreaming big, taking risks, and embracing second chances. Yet, time and again, Washington bureaucrats impose policies that block Americans from forging their own path,” said Owens.

“After retiring from the NFL, I spent over 25 years in corporate sales while also working part-time as an independent contractor. I understand firsthand the passion of an entrepreneur who wants to craft and control their own future rather than leave it up to someone else. The Biden administration’s policies are punishing risk-takers and job creators, and that must stop.” Owens continued.

Rep. Owens first questioned Ms. Rosanna Maietta, President and CEO of the American Hotel and Lodging Association, on how the franchise model drives entrepreneurship and job creation: 

“Of the 64,000 hotel properties around the country, half are franchise properties. That is the very epitome of entrepreneurship, allowing individuals to own a business, create jobs, and expand economic opportunity,” Maietta explained.

Owens then asked Ms. Maietta about the impact of the Biden Administration’s joint employer rule, which threatens to upend the franchise model and independent contractor status:

“This rule adds more uncertainty and burdensome regulations to already stressed small business owners. At a time when operating costs have risen twice as fast as revenue, more uncertainty creates even greater stress for many owners who are already questioning whether they can stay in business,” Maietta explained.

Rep. Owens also questioned Ms. Elizabeth Milito, Executive Director of the National Federation of Independent Business Small Business Legal Center, about the Biden administration’s 2024 independent contractor rule, which restricts entrepreneurs’ flexibility and independence.

“As many as one-third of American workers now earn at least part of their living through independent work. Yet, the Biden administration issued a rule to strip them of their ability to be their own bosses. How do we ensure the federal government protects and supports these workers?” asked Owens.

“The administration’s rule was heavily biased, aimed at forcing individuals to be classified as employees and eliminating independent work. But small businesses often start out as independent contractors. This rule would have made it difficult for someone, like an IT specialist, to start a business with just one client. It also would have created liability for businesses that contract with independent workers, discouraging those relationships altogether,” Milito responded.

Rep. Owens closed with a passionate call for policies that promote entrepreneurship and expand economic opportunity: 

“One of our key responsibilities in this committee is to teach the power of entrepreneurship. Capitalism is why we have the greatest country in the history of mankind. Washington needs to stop getting in the way of the American Dream. It’s time we empower entrepreneurs, not crush them with burdensome regulations,” finished Owens.

The full hearing is available here.


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