Owens Backs the Community Services Block Grant Modernization Act of 2021
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Rep. Burgess Owens (UT-04) released the following statement regarding his vote in favor of H.R. 5129, the Community Services Block Grant Modernization Act of 2021.
“The Community Services Block Grant Modernization Act provides important funding for rural and low-income communities in Utah,” said Rep. Owens. “CSBG allows states and local agencies to spend the funds in a way that best meets local needs, as opposed to bureaucrats in Washington imposing one size fits all solutions. With record inflation, this bill will provide support to help lift people out of poverty, putting them on a path to self-sufficiency. I’m proud to support legislation that will empower Utah to best serve its citizens.”
Travis Kyhl, Executive Director of the Six County Association of Governments, said:
“Low-income families live paycheck to paycheck, and one crisis can be the difference between homelessness, unemployment, no heat, hunger, or lack of prescription medication. The Community Services Block Grant program allows us to alleviate these crises and stabilize Utah families while providing opportunities for families and individuals to become more self-sufficient.”