Owens Announces Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee Assignments
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Rep. Burgess Owens (UT-04) announced his selection to three House Transportation and Infrastructure subcommittees: Water Resources and Environment, Aviation, and Highways and Transit.
“I want to thank Chairman Sam Graves and Subcommittee Chairs Rep. Garret Graves, Rep. Rick Crawford, and Rep. David Rouzer for the opportunity to serve on these three critically important House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittees,” said Rep. Owens. “From severe drought and water scarcity to unrivaled growth and a booming population, Utah faces unique challenges and exciting opportunities. I am thrilled to be a voice for my district – and all Americans – as we work to secure an efficient and safe highway system, develop common-sense and reliable water solutions, deliver improvements to passenger air travel, and more. Let’s get to work!”
More information on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee is available here.