Congressman Owens was pleased to submit the following ten “Community Project Funding” requests for consideration in the FY2022 Appropriations bill. In accordance with House Appropriations Committee rules, the following information on each of his ten requests is posted here on his official website.
1. Proposed Recipient and Address:
Utah Transit Authority (UTA)—FrontRunner Improvement Project
669 W 200 S
Salt Lake City, UT 84101
Amount of Request: $5 million
Explanation of the Request, Including Project Site Location, Purpose, and Why it is a Valuable Use of Taxpayer Funds:
The requested funding will be used for project development/engineering for FrontRunner train improvements, including double tracking and supporting infrastructure, such as rolling stock, stations and systems. This effort will also include a focus on vehicle engineering and specifications for additional fleet. The project will be supported by UTA, a local district political subdivision of the state of Utah. UTA is a public entity and will administer the project.
The FrontRunner commuter train is a vital part of the Wasatch Front’s transportation network (the State’s most densely populated areas), reducing congestion on Interstate 15 and improving air quality. UTA’s service area is forecast to double in population by 2065. Improvements to FrontRunner train will be needed to support this growth. FrontRunner Forward is a multifaceted development strategy for the commuter rail system. The proposed project benefits taxpayers by providing additional options to connect jobs and employees, support real estate and economic development, reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality, and increase ridership of the FrontRunner train. In addition, the FrontRunner improvements would make strategic capital improvements that allow for improved trip times, increased frequency, and larger train capacity. The strategic double tracking project enjoys widespread public support.
2. Proposed Recipient and Address:
Utah Defense Alliance
PO Box 967, Kaysville
UT 84037-0967
Camp Williams
17800 S. Redwood Road
Bluffdale, UT 84065-4999
Amount of Request: $3.7 million
Explanation of the Request, Including Project Site Location, Purpose, and Why it is a Valuable Use of Taxpayer Funds:
This request is for an Access Control Point (ACP) Facility, security fences, and gates which are required to provide anti-terrorism and force protection measures for Camp Williams. This will also establish a secured perimeter.
The ACP facility and its associated elements are integral to Antiterrorism (AT) and perimeter security. The Main Gate ACP Facility will include a gatehouse, prefabricated guard booths, overhead canopy structure, overwatch position, active vehicle barriers, screening inspection shelter, and backup/emergency generator. Associated elements include security gates and fences around the Cantonment and Training Area. Construction will include all utility services, information systems, fire detection and alarm systems, roads, walks, curbs, gutters, storm drainage, parking areas and site improvements.
This project is critical to the state of UT due to the current situation of the need to provide a safe and correct Access Control Point as well as a secure entrance for pedestrians, and provide required fencing for Camp Williams. The current access has multiple factors that do not allow it to perform as intended. Because of proximity of the cresting hill, no more than 300 meters from the entrance to the front gate, drivers waiting to turn left into the gate do not have an opportunity to estimate relative velocity of oncoming traffic. During inclement weather traffic is slick, hillside causes slipping and obstructs view of oncoming traffic even worse. There have been multiple accidents associated with the current access at Camp Williams.
3. Proposed Recipient and Address:
Eagle Mountain City—Wastewater Filtration System
1650 E. Stagecoach Run
Eagle Mountain, UT 84005
Amount of Request: $3 million
Explanation of the Request, Including Project Site Location, Purpose, and Why it is a Valuable Use of Taxpayer Funds:
This project would fund a wastewater filtration system that includes a tertial filtration on treated wastewater effluent and a pump station infrastructure to re-use water.
Eagle Mountain is one of the fastest-growing communities in Utah. It has become home to many younger families, with the average age of residents below age 15. Congressman Owens supports Eagle Mountain’s priority of providing parks and open spaces that can be used by Utahns.
This project would allow Eagle Mountain to provide tertiary treatment for wastewater effluent after it has completed the treatment process within our facility and allow that water to be re-used on parks and open spaces. Investment in water reuse builds communities that are modern, sustainable and stable.
4. Proposed Recipient and Address:
Salt Lake Community College – Campus Internship Program
4600 South Redwood Road
Salt Lake City, UT 84123
Amount of Request: $500,000
Explanation of the Request, Including Project Site Location, Purpose, and Why it is a Valuable Use of Taxpayer Funds:
The SLCC Campus Internship Program (CIP) is a proactive program designed to enhance student retention and completion through participation in career-centered, on-campus internships.
If funded at the requested level, the funds would be used to cover salaries for 65 students participating in CIP. The students would receive $12/hour to work approximately 640 hours across a year’s employment. 100% of the funds will be used for the student pay. The college covers all administrative costs of the program through existing personnel. If fully funded, the college would be able to double the number of students currently participating in the program.
At Salt Lake Community College, more than 80% of students work, with a large number of those students working full time. For those students who need to work, studies have consistently maintained that on-campus employment is a high-impact practice that benefits students in several ways as they strive to successfully complete their studies.
5. Proposed Recipient and Address:
Herriman City—Contaminated Soil Clean Up
5355 W. Main Street
Herriman, UT 84096
Amount of Request: $3 million
Explanation of the Request, Including Project Site Location, Purpose, and Why it is a Valuable Use of Taxpayer Funds:
The Herriman City Contaminated Soil Clean Up Project would clean contaminated soil in 15 acres of Herriman City property. This property has elevated levels of lead and arsenic due to runoff from nearby mines.
Once the property is cleaned it will be ready for immediate development. Clean soil will benefit the public health of the community and strengthen the potential for development in Herriman.
6. Proposed Recipient and Address:
South Salt Lake City—Security Lighting Project
Amount of Request: $4 million
Explanation of the Request, Including Project Site Location, Purpose, and Why it is a Valuable Use of Taxpayer Funds:
The Security Lighting Project for South Salt Lake is a project that would install between 800-1200 14-foot lamps on the residential streets of South Salt Lake.
South Salt Lake City has one of the highest crime rates in Utah. In addition, the new Homeless Men’s Resource Center is located in South Salt Lake. A proven deterrent against crime is street lighting. These funds would install street lamps on interior residential streets which are currently dimly lit.
Increased lighting will add to property value, reduce crime, and contribute to pedestrian and bike safety in South Salt Lake.
7. Proposed Recipient and Address:
Housing Authority of Salt Lake City (HASLC)—Human Rights Housing Project
1776 S. West Temple
Salt Lake City, UT 84115
Amount of Request: $328,886
Explanation of the Request, Including Project Site Location, Purpose, and Why it is a Valuable Use of Taxpayer Funds:
The funding would be used for the Housing Authority of Salt Lake City’s Human Rights Housing Project which aims to fill the unmet elements to breaking the chain of trafficking by providing stable housing for victims of human trafficking.
Child labor, prostitution, and indentured servitude are crimes in the U.S. The proliferation of these crimes is not very well-known but the impacts to the community are. Off-shoots include violence, domestic violence, drug and alcohol abuse, suicide, property crimes, and most importantly the inhumane treatment of human beings, particularly Asian and African refugee women in the case of Utah. This project would provide safe and stable housing for those in our community affected by the crime of human trafficking.
8. Proposed Recipient and Address:
University of Utah—Social Work Fellowship Program
260 South Central Campus Drive
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Amount of Request: $750,000
Explanation of the Request, Including Project Site Location, Purpose, and Why it is a Valuable Use of Taxpayer Funds:
This request would help fund the Social Work Fellowship Program at the University of Utah. The planning and development of the Social Work Fellowship program is nearly complete. The University of Utah is prepared to initiative this program when funding is secured.
The Social Work Fellowship program is expected to produce an increase of five clinical social workers training and working in Utah every year, increased access to mental health treatment for the community, and trained clinicians to work in multiple areas to meet the immediate demands. The personnel and this program will serve patients in the 4th Congressional District and across Utah, and many of the students at the University of Utah reside in the 4th District.
9. Proposed Recipient and Address:
Saffron Kitchen, Inc.
479 E 2100 S
Salt Lake City, UT 84115
Amount of Request: $300,000
Explanation of the Request, Including Project Site Location, Purpose, and Why it is a Valuable Use of Taxpayer Funds:
Saffron Kitchen is a nonprofit entity. The Culinary Kitchen Project will provide entry-level short-term employment training to refugees, low-income youth, and parents from low income families in order to help them reach sustainable living wages in a career path. By training culinary professionals, this project will also fill the needs of local restaurant owners and caterers.
This project will benefit the community by helping refugees in Utah. Studies show that 48 months post-resettlement, the median wage for refugees in Utah is well below the state average, and insufficient to support a family. Of Utah’s roughly 65,000 refugees that have received assistance from the Department of Workforce Services, 70 percent are women and children. This project will aim to help that at-risk population.
10. Proposed Recipient and Address:
Salt Lake County – Holladay-Lions ADA Playground
2001 South State Street, Suite N2-100
Salt Lake City, UT 84114
Amount of Request: $200,000
Explanation of the Request, Including Project Site Location, Purpose, and Why it is a Valuable Use of Taxpayer Funds:
This playground would assist Salt Lake County in developing of a 35,000 square foot inclusive playground that will be designed specifically for all children of all abilities, providing an environment that goes beyond the minimum accessibility requirements of the ADA.
This playground would provide opportunities for play across a spectrum of abilities within childhood development categories.